
Since the WAC site currently posses no message board (due to the out-and-out bootiness of Emily?s HTML skills), the site will instead be posting emails. Due to the sheer volume of fan mail the site and its proprietor receive, all emails will be carefully screened for a) humor b)W.A.C./member adulation, and c) overall rawness. Emails that meet the high standards set for site postage will then be posted. Emails that come from current W.A.C. members will be listed with a link to that member?s bio. Emails that come from past members or from outside the W.A.C. body will be posted along with the author?s contact information. All emails/comments should be sent to [email protected].

February 15:

To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Subject : I want my badge back, bitch!

To whom it may concern (I'm assuming this is to a Ms. Emily Reid, since you are the sole proprietor of your "official un-official" WAC website and president of Hathaway Brown's club):

Hello. My name is Laura Gibboo. I was looking up other schools in the back of our MUNUC booklet, just for fun, you know. MUN'ers and WAC'ies all seem to have a vicious stalker gene implanted in them from birth, but this could just be speculation. At any rate, I stumbed across your, may I say, rather HUMBLE website. Real inventive, guys...WAC gestures? Who does that?! MUN'ers shouldn't have to stick together to create a semblance of a richer social life. But I digress. I was looking through your member bios (only a third of which are actually working, ahem) and found them to be of a humorous nature until I found a certain Ms. Breen McDonald's. Her alias is "Laura Gibboo of the Holy See?" I don't find this funny at all, Ms. Reid. AT ALL!! I don't understand what you mean by her nickname, and this can only lead to a lowered self-esteem. Do you use my name a mocking, condescending way? I hope not because the Gibboo name has upheld an honorable name for centuries, stretching all the way back to Sir Gibald Gibboo in the 1300's.

But now, Ms. Reid? Now? It's not bad enough that the Gibboo name has been besmerched by all the kids at school saying something about how it sounds vaguely similar to "Magoo," but that it's also being mocked by your non-funny website.


-Laura "Very Cool Last Name" Gibboo

P.S. Send me a paper hat. It's the least you can do.